Expectations vs. Reality:The Saga of Restroom Cleaning and Gen Z Workers

Once upon a time…no, seriously. In the restaurant and hospitality industry, there’s an eternal struggle that every manager knows all too well: hiring front-line workers. And just when you think you’ve won the battle by hiring someone, the next one begins. 

You’ve got the new recruit, a member of Generation Z, with their fresh-faced enthusiasm, ready to contribute to your bustling establishment. Great! 

What could possibly go wrong?

Picture this. 

It’s a perfect world: your newly hired employees understand what’s expected of them from day one. They breeze through the onboarding process and, after some initial training, they morph into responsible, reliable, and self-motivated team players. They seamlessly become an integral part of your restaurant family, taking every task in stride, performing impeccably, and doing it all with a smile. Or…

The Real World: Jason and the Restroom Cleaning Incident
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Now, let’s step back into reality. Meet Jason, your freshly onboarded, enthusiastic 18-year-old hire. Today, Jason’s been assigned one of the classic rites of passage for any new recruit: cleaning the restroom. 

After a brief rundown, off he goes, spray bottle and mop bucket in hand, with an unmistakable determination that makes you think, “Hey, this might go well.” Ten minutes later, Jason returns, a proud smile on his face, and announces, “I’m done!”

Well, you’re a seasoned manager, so you know better than to leave things to chance. You decide to do a little quality check, just a “quick peek.” You walk over to the restroom, push open the door, and… yeah, let’s just say that Jason’s definition of “clean” may have been derived from some alternate reality—certainly not the one where you’re running a business, where customers expect some standard of hygiene. There’s the overflowing trash can, the stray paper towels decorating the floor, and a mirror that’s still accessorized with a variety of fingerprints – and the paper towel dispenser is empty. 

Suddenly, it hits you: this isn’t a lack of effort or willingness. Jason genuinely thought he did a great job. He simply didn’t know better. And here’s where things get tricky. It’s not that he’s careless or indifferent—he just doesn’t have a clear framework of what “done” means in the context of a restaurant restroom. 

The Expectations-Communication Gap

This is the story of every manager in the service industry, especially those who’ve been around long enough to have employed a few Gen Z members. It’s not about a lack of motivation—Jason wants to do well—but there’s a significant gap between our expectations and his ability to meet them.

You see, the youngest generation of workers comes with unique traits. They’re often more comfortable interacting with screens than manuals. They’ve grown up in a digital world where information is instant, feedback is continuous, and there’s always a “how-to” guide just a few clicks away – most often on Youtube. Traditional training, where someone rattles off a list of instructions and expects understanding, doesn’t always cut it. And even if you provide detailed step-by-step processes during onboarding, how much can you expect a nervous, overwhelmed teenager to retain? (Check out this article on “The forgetting curve”)

Jason, like many others his age, needs—and even expects—digital guidance. He thrives when clear, visual, and structured instructions are available at his fingertips. To truly meet expectations, Jason needs a tool that provides step-by-step visuals, reminds him of best practices, and even allows him to check things off, confirming each little victory along the way.

The Way Out: Digital Tools for the Gen Z Workforce

Imagine giving Jason a “work-app” (forget calling it a platform or intranet; let’s speak his language). This app would have a checklist for restroom cleaning, complete with pictures and easy-to-follow steps. He’d see, “Check if the trash can is overflowing—if yes, empty it.” He’d see, “Look at the mirror—is it smudge-free?” 


Maybe even a small video showing how to fold a paper towel to get that streak-free shine. And once he’s done, Jason can tick each task off, verifying that he did indeed cover everything expected of him. Finally, he hits “submit” and feels a sense of accomplishment as the app gives him a little thumbs-up icon—because, hey, small celebrations matter.

Now, instead of you having to double-check or finding yourself the unwilling audience to Jason’s proud, misguided declaration of “I’m done!”, you’ve got something else at work: accountability. Jason knows exactly what “done” looks like because it’s on his phone. He also knows you’ll see his checklist, and maybe, just maybe, he’ll feel a bit of pride when he completes it, knowing he’s matched your expectations.

Digital tools are not just convenient—they’re essential when dealing with a young workforce that is comfortable being guided by a screen. For industries like hospitality, retail and services where staff turnover is high and new faces pop up every other week, digital aids ensure consistency, clarity, and confidence. 

Jason isn’t left to make an educated guess about whether the restroom meets standards. Instead, he’s equipped to ensure it does—because you’ve provided him the tools to do so.

Check out this 1 min video, showing how the App for Jason works IRL

Building Success, One Task and Checklist at a Time

So, the next time Jason—or whoever the next recruit may be—walks in and is handed the task of cleaning the restroom, or any other important routine task, it’s no longer a gamble. Instead of putting yourself in a situation where you peek behind that door, take a deep breath, and hope for the best, you now know Jason has a roadmap in his pocket.

Building Success

But these challenges aren’t exclusive to hospitality. In fact, there are “Jasons” and “restroom equivalents” in almost every industry. Whether it’s the retail associate who restocks shelves, the warehouse worker responsible for organizing inventory, or the entry-level technician performing a basic system check, the potential for a mismatch between expectations and outcomes is everywhere. In every sector, there are tasks that seem simple but require clarity, guidance, and accountability to ensure they’re done correctly. 

Multi-Location Problem Multiplier

This need becomes exponentially more critical when you consider the context of operating multiple locations, as is common with franchises. When managing a single location, you can train and supervise your Jasons directly by “walking around” , ensuring consistency. But scale that up to ten, twenty, or a hundred locations, and the stakes get even higher. Each location has its own “Jason,” who’s trying to meet expectations without direct oversight. In this context, providing digital tools that communicate standards clearly, help both Franchise Owners and their employees follow through step-by-step, and offer verification becomes crucial to maintaining brand consistency and quality.

The power of digital tools isn’t just about making the job easier—it’s about multiplying quality and consistency across locations. It ensures that every location, every employee, every single time, knows exactly what “done” looks like, and how to get there. It’s about transforming uncertainty into a clear, predictable outcome—one checklist at a time.

Chainformation: The Jason Antidote for Multi-Location Operators

For businesses operating multiple locations, such as franchises, ensuring consistency and quality across every site can be a daunting challenge—particularly with a young, evolving workforce. Chainformation provides a digital solution to bridge the gap between expectations and execution. By offering clear, role-specific guidance, interactive checklists, and a mobile-accessible platform, Chainformation helps frontline workers, like Jason, understand exactly what’s required of them and how to do it right every time.

Chainformation is the perfect fit for multi-location operators who need a scalable way to communicate SOPs, guide everyday tasks, and verify that standards are met across all locations. With tools that simplify training, keep teams informed, and provide structured workflows, Chainformation ensures that every employee knows what “done” truly looks like, maintaining brand quality and customer satisfaction no matter where they are.

Watch this 2 minute video of the Chainformation Operations Platform